5 Minute Hot Granny Date Tutorial

free granny dating

You have a hot date tonight with a granny you are keen on and you want to know how to rock that date so that there are more dates and a whole lot more action for you. Understandable that you need a hot granny date tutorial to get you prepped and ready for your date to be a winner.

Be Interested And Interesting

Don’t rock up to the date full of nerves and being shy. Walk with confidence, make eye contact, and have some interesting conversation already planned and ready to go. Why would a sexy older woman want to be on a date with you if you are boring? So relax and keep chatting with her, but make sure you don’t do all the talking either. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason, so use your ears more than your mouth throughout the conversation and the date will go a whole lot better. Nothing will turn her off more than someone who is too cocky or someone who seems boring. So tone down your personality at first, or step it up a notch if you reckon you are a bit of a bore most days of the week.

Look The Part

Make sure you turn up to the date looking as hot as you can. Wild older women want hot! Not your disheveled look that is better reserved for sitting at home and watching TV. Get out of your dirty clothes and put something suave on to make a good first impression. You can only make that first impression once, so make it a worthwhile one. Avoid looking like her teenage grandson at all costs! When you look the part, you will naturally be better at acting the part of a young man that can handle himself on a hot granny date.

Expect The Unexpected

This is not your normal type of date. You are dating an experienced woman who wants you because you are young and virile. This is excitement for her, so she will want to feel that vibe coming from you as well. This is an escape for your older woman to get out and have some fun times, often without any strings attached. Sounds great hey? An older woman and no strings attached sounds like the recipe for some fun and unexpected times, so get ready to take the bull by the horns and enjoy the ride.

Hint Away

Taking your granny date from great to HOT can be easy with some little hints in the conversation. There is not time to be shy and no time to waste. Try not to be make her want to puke by coming right out with the flirty comments straight away. Keep them light to start with to get her juices pumping!  Keeping the conversation casual with some light flirty innuendos here and there will have her melting and ready to take action. Make her want you as much as possible! After all, isn’t that why you are both going on a date in the first place?